About Us
The Salgo Team is composed by an interdisciplinary group of ecologists and evolutionary biologists led by Assoc. Prof. Rob Salguero-Gómez. We work on the following research areas:

- Drivers of life history strategies
- Resilience
- The evolution of and escape from senescence
- Functional trait ecology
- Species distributions and habitat suitability
- Life history oddities and gaps of knowledge
- Conservation biology and population forecast
- Comparative demography
- Population modelling & methods
- Monitoring technologies (e.g. remote sensing, autonomous robots)
- Big data in ecology
The SalGo team’s ultimate goal is to examine the mechanisms and consequences of demographic variation in species across the tree of life. We do so by using an integrative research programme that includes metabolomics, biochemical, anatomic, ecophysiological, demographic and macroecological approaches. Our work combines field and lab experimental manipulations, ecological modelling, and comparative analyses, coupled with the usage of new technologies.
Our research to date has been supported by the following funding agencies and entities